This complete college planning solution prepares students and families for the most important decision of their lives.
A monthly road map that provides a step-by-step guide to college planning for students and families based on their grade level.
A guide for students to assist in determining a major and generate a potential career path based on their goals and interests in life.
Customized by state, distance, major, GPA and standarized test scores. Student-athlete? Browse and communicate with 25,000 coaches.
At the click of a button, students can submit their verified academic and athletic information to hundreds or thousands of colleges.
Craft an unforgettable college essay or personal statement for your college applications. Receive expert support from our Ivy-League editors.
We have simplified the completion of the FAFSA form, CSS profile, EFC calculations, loan advisory and the college appeals process.
A scholarship matching service that may provide additional funding through 5 million scholarships with $24 billion dollars in grants.
Features multiple in-school repayment options plus a choice of competitive fixed and variable rates for more flexibility.
Promotes your skills for internships and full-time employment through our digital Career Development and Readiness System.
A tool that provides an understanding of aid eligibility from Institutional and Federal Government Methodologies.
With a personal email account, video chat and texting, students can communicate with school and college administrators in seconds.
A specific guide to uphold the NCAA academic standards and requirements through the NCAA compliancy and registration process.
Social network perception is important. College Select monitors content and shows students how to clean up their online image.
Monitoring support 24 hours per day and 7 days a week that allows us to deliver increased productivity with certified college planners.